Manage Grading Sets

Use the Certification tab in the Curriculum Manager module to define the groupings for grading periods. For example, 'Year Long' and 'Semester Long' for the different courses used in your school.

Grading types must be set up before grading sets are specified.

  1. Open the Curriculum Manager and select the Certification tab.
  2. Select Manage Grading Sets from the right hand menu:
  3. Use the drop-down in the top right of the screen to change the Group By setting if required.
  4. Use the navigation tools at the bottom of the screen to display the grading sets that you want to work with.
  5. Choose to:

Add a grading set

  1. Select Add Grading Set in the header to display the Manage Grading Sets window:
  2. Complete the fields displayed in the Grading Set Properties tab:

    Section Explanation
    Grading Set Properties
    • Enter a clear and concise name, code and description for the grading set.
    • Grading Set Cycle. Use the drop-down list to select the cycle for the new grading set.
    • Grading Set Type. Select a programme to link to the set.
    Grading Set Options

    Use the drop downs to:

    • Set the status of the grading set. Selecting 'No' marks the grading set as 'Inactive'.
    • Set this grading set as the default. Only one grading set can be marked as the 'Default'. This is preselected when choosing grading sets in Ed:gen.
  3. Select the Grading Calculations tab and set how the calculations are going to work. This is pulled into the gradebook:

    Section Explanation
    Calculation Column Options
    • Select whether the column is hidden in the gradebook.
    • Enter a column code and name.
    Calculation Column Display & Logic
    • Calc Column Format Rule. Select the styling rule that you want to apply to the column. Any cells with values which meet the styling rule have the corresponding style design applied.
    • Calculation Column Formula. Select how the value in the column is to be calculated.
    • Calculation Column Style. Select a style to apply to the column. This is the default style design that is applied to cells in the column. If the value in the cell does not meet the styling rule selected, this style is applied.
    • Cal Column Transpose. Select the transpose element that can be applied to this column. Your selection enables you to toggle between original values and transposed values when working in Workbook View.Columns with transposable values are identified by the transposable icon in the gradebook header.
  4. Select the Grading Display tab and set the:

    Section Explanation
    Class Grid Display Options Use the drop downs to specify the display of the grading set in the Class View tab.
    Course Grid Display Options Use the drop downs to specify the display of the grading set in the Course View tab.
    Student Grid Display Options Use the drop downs to specify the display of the grading set in the Student View tab.
  5. Select the Grading Types tab and select grading types to link to the grading set.
  6. Select the Course Lengths tab and select course lengths to link to the grading set.
  7. Select the Gradebooks Default tab, select the Administrator for the gradebook and complete the fields displayed:

    Section Explanation
    Gradebook Display Options Set the properties for the gradebook.
    Gradebook Naming Options Enter a name and summary for the gradebook.
  8. Select Save & Close.

Change the order of grading sets

Change the order that grading sets are displayed in Ed:gen.

  1. Select Order Grading Sets. The Arrange Grading Sets window is displayed:
  2. Select a grading set and use the arrows to move it up or down the list.
  3. Select Save & Close to close this window and return to the Manage Grading Sets screen.

Copy a grading set

  1. Scroll to the grading set that you want to copy and click the copy grading set icon. A popup window is displayed:
  2. Complete the fields displayed in the Grading Set Properties tab:

    Section Explanation
    Grading Set Properties
    • Enter a clear and concise name, code and description for the grading set.
    • Grading Set Cycle. Use the drop-down list to select the cycle for the new grading set.
    • Grading Set Type. Select a programme to link to the set.
    Grading Set Options

    Use the drop downs to:

    • Set the status of the grading set. Selecting 'No' marks the grading set as 'Inactive'.
    • Set this grading set as the default. Only one grading set can be marked as the 'Default'. This is preselected when choosing grading sets in Ed:gen.
  3. Select the Grading Calculations tab and set how the calculations are going to work. This is pulled into the gradebook:

    Calculation Column Options
    • Select whether the column is hidden in the gradebook.
    • Enter a column code and name.
    Calculation Column Display & Logic
    • Calc Column Format Rule. Select the styling rule that you want to apply to the column. Any cells with values which meet the styling rule have the corresponding style design applied.
    • Calculation Column Formula. Select how the value in the column is to be calculated.
    • Calculation Column Style. Select a style to apply to the column. This is the default style design that is applied to cells in the column. If the value in the cell does not meet the styling rule selected, this style is applied.
    • Cal Column Transpose. Select the transpose element that can be applied to this column. Your selection enables you to toggle between original values and transposed values when working in Workbook View.Columns with transposable values are identified by the transposable icon in the gradebook header.
  4. Select the Grading Display tab and set the:

    Class Grid Display Options Use the drop downs to specify the display of the grading set in the Class View tab.
    Course Grid Display Options Use the drop downs to specify the display of the grading set in the Course View tab.
    Student Grid Display Options Use the drop downs to specify the display of the grading set in the Student View tab.
  5. Select the Grading Types tab and select grading types to link to the grading set.
  6. Select the Course Lengths tab and select course lengths to link to the grading set.
  7. Select the Gradebooks Default tab, select the Administrator for the gradebook and complete the fields displayed:

    Gradebook Display OptionsSet the properties for the gradebook.
    Gradebook Naming OptionsEnter a name and summary for the gradebook.
  8. Select Save & Close.

Edit a grading set

Update the details of a grading set if required. For example, change the status of a grading set currently marked as 'Active'.

  1. Scroll to the grading set that you want to edit and click the edit icon. The Manage Grading Sets window is displayed:
  2. Complete the fields displayed in the Grading Set Properties tab:

    Section Explanation
    Grading Set Properties
    • Enter a clear and concise name, code and description for the grading set.
    • Grading Set Cycle. Use the drop-down list to select the cycle for the new grading set.
    • Grading Set Type. Select a programme to link to the set.
    Grading Set Options

    Use the drop downs to:

    • Set the status of the grading set. Selecting 'No' marks the grading set as 'Inactive'.
    • Set this grading set as the default. Only one grading set can be marked as the 'Default'. This is preselected when choosing grading sets in Ed:gen.
  3. Select the Grading Calculations tab and set how the calculations are going to work. This is pulled into the gradebook:

    Section Explanation
    Calculation Column Options
    • Select whether the column is hidden in the gradebook.
    • Enter a column code and name.
    Calculation Column Display & Logic
    • Calc Column Format Rule. Select the styling rule that you want to apply to the column. Any cells with values which meet the styling rule have the corresponding style design applied.
    • Calculation Column Formula. Select how the value in the column is to be calculated.
    • Calculation Column Style. Select a style to apply to the column. This is the default style design that is applied to cells in the column. If the value in the cell does not meet the styling rule selected, this style is applied.
    • Cal Column Transpose. Select the transpose element that can be applied to this column. Your selection enables you to toggle between original values and transposed values when working in Workbook View.Columns with transposable values are identified by the transposable icon in the gradebook header.
  4. Select the Grading Display tab and set the:

    Section Explanation
    Class Grid Display Options Use the drop downs to specify the display of the grading set in the Class View tab.
    Course Grid Display Options Use the drop downs to specify the display of the grading set in the Course View tab.
    Student Grid Display Options Use the drop downs to specify the display of the grading set in the Student View tab.
  5. Select the Grading Periods tab and use the drop downs available to select class (CLA), course (COU) and student (STU) grading periods to link to the grading set. The defaults selected are pulled in from the settings in Manage Grading Periods:
  6. Select the Grading Types tab and select grading types to link to the grading set.
  7. Select the Course Lengths tab and select course lengths to link to the grading set.
  8. Select the Gradebooks Default tab, select the Administrator for the gradebook and complete the fields displayed:

    Section Explanation
    Gradebook Display Options Set the properties for the gradebook.
    Gradebook Naming Options Enter a name and summary for the gradebook.
  9. Two other tabs are available, these are explained as follows:
    • Metadata. Any metadata fields set up for grading sets are listed here. Add values for the metadata fields as required.
    • Audit. Any changes made to the grading set are listed here.
  10. Select Save & Close. The amended grading set is listed.

Delete a grading set

Remove a grading set that has been added in error.

You cannot delete a grading set which is active.

  1. Scroll to the grading set that you want to delete and click the delete icon. You are prompted Are you sure you want to delete this grading set?
  2. Select Yes. The grading set is removed. A log is kept under the Logging tab for auditing purposes.