View your assets

The software, products, hardware, or services you purchase from IRIS are referred to as assets.

If you have purchased hardware products, if there are multiple deployments of the asset, (e.g. in different locations), these are listed as child assets. For example, if you have an asset of Electronic Door Lock, there may be child assets for Science Laboratory, Reception, Nursery, etc.

  1. You can view a list of active assets, by selecting the Assets page.

    Assets page

    The Type column indicates the type of asset:

    • SW - indicates the asset is a software application or service.
    • HW - indicates a piece of hardware with no child assets.
    • HW+ - indicates a piece of hardware that contains multiple deployments, e.g. the same hardware in multiple locations.

    • If you have hardware assets you can select the hardware name to view all the individual installations (child assets).

  2. To view details, select an Asset Name.

  3. If required, you can now create a case. If you need to create a case for a hardware asset, please refer to create a case for hardware.