Sort column content

This content applies to grids before the introduction of advanced grid filtering capabilities introduced in v9.9.8216. Read more about these capabilities in our pages on advanced filtering and in-column filtering.

Columns displayed in a grid can be sorted as follows:

  • Click the column header once to sort in ascending order.
  • Click the column header again to changing from ascending to descending order.
  • Click the column header again to remove the sort.

Each grid will have a default order on one of the columns.

The order in which columns are sorted is determined by the order in which each column header is clicked. An icon is displayed in the header to indicate the sort order.

The following example shows the Client Code order being removed, then the columns sorted by Office, then Partner.

Advanced sort

You can also perform an advanced sort by clicking the down-arrow next to Columns then selecting Adv. Sort. Drag columns to the right-hand panel then select ascending or descending as required.