Set up two-factor authentication

This is an administrative function only. Only users with certain permissions can perform these tasks.

To use two-factor authentication in IRIS Cascade, an admin first needs to:

Enable system property

  1. Go to Admin.

  2. Select System Admin > Application Data.

  3. Select System Properties.

  4. Go to Logon & Session.

  5. Select Enable Two-Factor Authentication.

  6. Select Value, and then Save.

  7. Two-Factor Authentication is now enabled.

Enable for users

You can enable two-factor authentication for both individual users or groups of users.

Individual user account

  1. Go to Admin.

  2. Select System Admin > Users, Profiles and Roles.

  3. Select Users.

  4. Select the Employee name.

  5. In Login Details, select Enable Two-Factor Authentication, then Save.

When the user next logs in, they will receive a prompt to set up an authenticator app.

Groups of users

  1. Go to Admin.

  2. Select System Admin > Users, Profiles and Roles.

  3. Select Users.

  4. Use the filter to choose which group of users is displayed.

    Only the users displayed on the screen will be available to select later on.

  5. Select Update Common Fields for Group.

  1. In Fields to Update, select Update Two-Factor Authentication and Enable Two-Factor Authentication.

  2. In Employees, select individual employees or all, and select Save.

When the selected users next log in, they will receive a prompt to set up an authenticator app.

Learn more about using an authenticator app.

Learn how to reset two-factor authentication.