View a policy document

You can view the current document and make changes to it. When you view a document, you can view the previous versions of it, but you can only make changes to the current version.

  1. Go to Practice compliance> Policies & procedures. The policy document is displayed. If there are no documents displayed you can create one from a template, or start a new, blank document.
  2. ‌You can edit or delete the current version of a policy or procedure document.

View older versions of a policy document

‌You might want to view a previous version of a document if you want to see when a change was made and who made it, or check the details of legislation that has since changed.

When you view a policy document, you can see any previous versions, along with the time and date it was saved, and the user who created it or last made a change. Select the time stamp to view that version, but be aware you can't make any changes to it.

  1. ‌Select a policy to view the content and the version history of the document. You can see all previous versions, the date and time it was last updated, and the author, at the right-hand side.
  2. In the Version history panel, select the date of the version you want to view. The content is displayed with the date and time it was last updated.

You can't edit a previous version. Select Edit current version to make changes to the latest document.

  1. If you're an MLRO, Admin, or Approver, you can open up a previous version of a document you're editing in a separate tab. This makes it easy to copy relevant content to a new version, without losing your work.