Import Parents' Evening Data from your MIS — Primary Schools

Primary Schools

Set Up Parents' Evenings — Step 1

For students to be assigned to classes and to invite staff members to parents' evening, their data must be available in IRIS ParentMail before setting up the event in Parents' Evening Manager.

Organisation's using SIMS can import their data using the applicable report definition files and SIMS reports.

Imported data can only have the details of one teacher for each class. After importing the data and creating the event, additional teacher details can be added for required classes.

Before Importing Parents' Evening Data in IRIS ParentMail

When creating a parents' evening event for the first time, the correct tutor, student, and staff member details need to be exported from SIMS.

  • In SIMS, check you have the Third Party Reporter and Personnel Officer permissions
  • From IRIS ParentMail, download the Tutor Reg RptDef report definition file
  • In SIMS, import the Tutor Reg RptDef

Importing Parents' Evening Data from SIMS

  1. In SIMS, to run the relevant PMX2 report: 
    1. Go to Reports, then select Run Report.
    2. Select Focus, then Student.
    3. Find the relevant PMX2 report, then select Run.
    4. Leave the effective date as displayed, then select OK.
    5. From the Export as Text window, select Browse.
    6. Enter the File name, select the location, Save in CSV format, then select OK.
    7. On the confirmation message, select OK.
  2. Open the saved report, then check and update the following details: 
    1. There are no blank fields for all rows from StudentForename (column A) to TutorID (column J).

      If StudentID (column C) and TutorID (column J) are empty, the user running the report is missing the Third Party Reporter permission in SIMS. Either update their permissions and ask them to run the report again, or run the report from an account that has the permissions assigned.

    2. Remove students who have left.

      Removing leavers in the report does not remove their details from IRIS ParentMail. To remove their details, Manage Leavers.

    3. Check staff members are assigned to the correct classes.

      If a teacher or staff member is assigned to the wrong class, do not change the details in the report. Update the staff member details in SIMS, then run the report again.

    4. Save any changes, then close the report.
  3. Import the updated report in IRIS ParentMail.
  4. Before continuing to set up the event, to identify any data that was not imported successfully, run the Tutors Rejected Records Report.