Check your SIMS Report Permissions

SIMS Schools Only

To import SIMS data in IRIS ParentMail, you must have the correct reports permissions assigned to your SIMS account.

If you cannot update your permissions, contact your organisation's SIMS system administrator.


  1. Go to Focus, select System Manager, then Manage Users.
  2. Search for your record by Surname, Forename or Username, then use the Enter key.

    If the results display no user found, from Role, select Any, then use the Enter key.

  3. Select your record, go to 3 Groups.
  4. To add the relevant permissions: 
    1. Select Add.
    2. Select the relevant permission Group Name.

      To select more than one permission, use the Ctrl key.

    3. To save, select OK.
  5. Save the changes.
  6. To apply the changes, log out of SIMS, then log in again.

For help completing this process or more information, contact the SIMS support team.