Custom user roles

In addition to the default Account manager user role in Senta by IRIS, set up other custom user roles which can be used to assign work to specific users for specific clients.

By default, Senta will allocate tasks in a job template to the Account manager.  This is a default field in Senta where users can be assigned as an Account manager for specific clients. Whoever is assigned to this user role, will receive notifications relating to the client's actions in their client portal.

This works for many practices, but you may have a different way of allocating work. For example, to colleagues in your practice who look after particular types of work, such as VAT, payroll, accounts or tax.

Take Payroll as an example, you can choose which users will do payroll work for each client: 

Create the user role on your Client details form using the User field type:

In the Payroll job template(s) you can now change the task assignees to Payroll specialist:

The tasks within the Payroll job will now be assigned to whichever user is assigned as Payroll specialist for the client.