Create a direct debit mandate from a new invoice

Direct debit is an easy and convenient way to collect payments from your customers, saving both time and effort in chasing payments. With IRIS Pay you can quickly and securely set up direct debit mandates, straight from creating an invoice.

  1. Create an invoice for in the usual manner.

  2. From the IRIS Pay invoice widget select Request Mandate.
    send dd manadte request powered by iris pay in IRIS kashflow

  1. The direct debit mandate setup form displays.

    screenshot of the direct debit mandate setup form for IRIS pay
  1. If you've already saved the customer's email address, it will be automatically entered into the form. If not, you'll need to enter it manually.

  2. The subject and message fields will be automatically completed, but you can customise the text if you wish.

  3. Select Send request. The customer will receive an email from with links to complete the direct debit set up.

  1. The mandate request has been successfully sent form displays.

We recommend adding a personal touch when requesting payments from your customers. Copy the link from the mandate request has been successfully sent form and send it to your customer through email, text message or any other preferred medium along with your own friendly message.
  1. The customers mandate status will update to Sent while awaiting action.

View the status of your requests and manage mandates in the IRIS Pay portal.