Cancel Parents' Evenings

If a parents' evening event is cancelled or no longer needed, it must be cancelled in Parents' Evening Manager.

Cancelled events cannot be reactivated. If an event is accidentally cancelled or deleted, you must create a new parents' evening event.

Parents and carers invited to the event are notified of the cancellation and appointments they have booked are automatically removed.

Cancellation notifications are not sent for events with Draft status.

  1. Find the required parents' evening event.
  2. Select the event, then Cancel Event.
  3. Enter a reason for cancelling the event.
  4. If required, make any changes to the cancellation Message.

    Send Cancellation Message is selected by default. To stop notifications being sent, clear the selection.

  5. To confirm cancellation, enter the Verification details.

    To make sure an event cannot be accidentally cancelled, a cancellation reason and the verification must be entered.