IRIS Absence Call Videos

The following videos have been designed to provide an overview of IRIS Absence Call Module for IRIS Reach used to manage sending alerts for absent students.. Use them to support, or in addition to, your training:

Overview Video

This video provides a summary of the main features of IRIS Absence Call An automated call made to parents and carers of selected students when they are absent..

Intended audience Absence managers, office administrators, office managers, first-time users, school secretary, parental support officers
Video length 00:07:12 (7 minutes, 12 seconds)
Closed captions included? English only
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Detailed Set Up and Use Video

This video provides a detailed overview of how to set up and use IRIS Absence Call

The video was originally created for organisation A school, multi-academy trust (MAT), single academy trust (SAT), club, nursery or organisation that uses the software.s who are migrating from Truancy Call to IRIS Absence Call. Although it references SIMS as the Management Information System (MIS), works with all supported MIS.

Intended audience Absence managers, office administrators, office managers, first-time users, school secretary, parental support officers, previous Truancy Call customers, system administrators
Video length 00:15:28 (15 minutes, 28 seconds)
Closed captions included? English only
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