Default Form Templates

Forms labelled Default Template have been added by IRIS ParentMail. Either edit the default template to add specific details for your organisation, or to send the form without editing it, select Send as Form.

When to use default forms?

Template Name When To Use
Account Security Upgrade

Send to parents and carers, staff members, and other people at your organisation that have an IRIS ParentMail account when we notify you that your organisation is being upgraded to IRIS Identity accounts.

You do not need to edit this template.

NHS Test and Trace Consent Form For COVID-19 Testing Use to collect consent for medical testing that legally has to be performed at your organisation.
School Website - Parent Views Use for parents and carers, staff members, or other people to collect views or thoughts about your website. Can also be used to collect comments about another subject (edit the template as required).
ParentMail Survey Send to parents and carers who have an account for IRIS ParentMail to collect feedback about your organisation's use of IRIS ParentMail.
Homework Survey Use to get comments about homework.Can also be used to collect feedback about other processes within your organisation (edit the template as required).
Parent Volunteers Use to collect information whether parents and carers, staff members, or other people are available to help you with events, trips, or other volunteer activities.
Club Booking Form (Detailed) Use to collect consent for a student to attend a club and confirm which sessions and options they require if not using IRIS ParentMail club registers.
Football Club (Detailed) Use to share information about a club that does not have sessions, and collect consent for students to attend if not using IRIS ParentMail club registers.
Parental Permission Form Use to collect any type of consent a student needs from parents and carers.
We're Thinking Of Using Online Forms!  Use to make parents and carers, staff members, or other people connected to your organisation that you are going to start sending forms using IRIS ParentMail. Alternatively, edit the form to collect feedback about using other IRIS ParentMail modules, apps, or systems you are planning to use.
After School Club Choices Use to collect student choices for the clubs they want to attend if not using IRIS ParentMail club registers. Alternatively, edit the template to collect choices about other things, such as trips, roles in plays, events, and so on.
Dinner Menu Use to collect student choices for the school meals if not using IRIS ParentMail menu registers or other cashless catering software.
Survey Edit to use as a survey, questionnaire, poll, or ballot about any required subject.
Trip Consent (Simple) Use to collect parents and carers consent for a student to attend a trip and their emergency contact information. Alternatively, use the template for events, or other activities that require this information.
Trip Form (Detailed Example) Use to collect parents and carers consent for a student to attend a trip, and collect emergency contact, medical, and dietary information. Alternatively, use the template for events, or other activities that require this information.