Import Parents' Evening Data using Parents' Evening Manager Reports — Primary Schools

Primary Schools

Set Up Parents' Evenings — Step 1

For students to be assigned to classes and to invite staff members to parents' evening, their data must be available in IRIS ParentMail before setting up the event in Parents' Evening Manager.

Student and staff member data must be imported using the Parents' Evening Manager reports.

Only students and staff members created as users in IRIS ParentMail are displayed in the reports.

Imported data can only have the details of one teacher for each class. After importing the data and creating the event, additional teacher details can be added for required classes.

  1. Go to Reports, then select General Reports.
  2. Download the Parents Evening: Tutor Export and Staff Export reports.
  3. Open the Parents Evening: Tutor Export report.

    You must not reorder or remove any of the report columns.

  4. Add staff member details:  
    1. From the Staff Export report, copy the relevant staff member's details.
    2. In the Parents Evening: Tutor Export report, for the first student in the class, paste the staff member details in TutorTitle.

      We recommend including the staff member WorkEmail, so that appointments can be emailed them.

    3. Highlight the details in TutorTitle, then drag to copy for all the students in the class.
    4. Repeat steps a to c for each class.
  5. Save the updated Parents Evening: Tutor Export report file with a meaningful name.
  6. Import the updated Parents Evening: Tutor Export to IRIS ParentMail.
  7. Before continuing to set up the event, to identify any data that was not imported successfully, run the TutorsRejected Records Report.