Create Proforma Invoices

To post a proforma invoice before the goods are delivered and VAT invoice is issued, use a purchase invoice document.

  1. Create a Non Order Purchase Invoices (XXPI), selecting X - Outside the Scope in VAT Rate.

    If posting proforma invoices from MyPortal or IRIS Financials Purchasing, to post the invoice with the VAT, it must be entered as a Non Order Purchase Invoices document.

  2. Allocate the invoice to the payment.
  3. When the VAT invoice is received:
    1. Undo the allocation.
    2. Reverse the Purchase Invoice.
    3. Create another Non Order Purchase Invoices (XXPI), selecting the required VAT Rate.
  4. Allocate the all of the following documents together: 
    • The payment
    • The proforma invoice
    • The reversed proforma invoice journal
    • The purchase invoice including VAT