Managing IRIS Expenses Licences

For a user to have access to the IRIS Expensesapplication, a licence must be assigned.

The licences you have purchased with the application are added when the software is installed. If you require additional licences, these can be purchased. For more information, please contact our Support Team.

Assigning and Removing Licences from Users

  1. Select Options, then select Manage Licences.
  2. In the Licences panel, the applications for which you have licences are displayed with the number of licences assigned and available and the date the licences expire. Select expenses in the Module column.

Assigning Licence to Users

  1. The Assign Licences panel is displayed. Select the user(s) to which you want to assign a licences. Alternatively, enter either the user name or title in the Search field to find a specific user or display a more consolidated list.
  2. Select Save to confirm assigning the licence to the user(s).

    The number of licences assigned and total number of licences available are displayed adjacent to the Search field. If you do not have any remaining licences, when you select a user, the Users Exceeded message is displayed. You need to remove a licence from a user and reassign the licence to another user or purchase additional licences.
  3. A success message is displayed to confirm the licences have been assigned.

Removing Licences from Users

  1. The Assign Licences panel is displayed. Deselect the user(s) for which you want to remove the licence. Alternatively, enter either the user name or title in the Search field to find a specific user or display a more consolidated list.
  2. select Save to confirm the removal of the licence.
  3. A success message is displayed to confirm the licences have been removed.

Adding New Licences

  1. To add new licences you have purchased for IRIS Expenses, select Redeem Licence Key from the Licences panel.
  2. The Redeem Licence Key panel is displayed. Enter the licence key, then select Redeem.
    You can enter more than one licence key.
  3. A success message is displayed.
    If an Invalid Licence Key message is displayed, please check the licence key details entered match the licence key details provided. If you are unable to redeem the licence key successfully, please contact our Support Team.

When a licence has been assigned to a user, you can create the user account. For more information, please see Creating a User Account.