IRIS Practice Dashboards settings


This screen can be accessed by going to System Maintenance | Practice | Practice Dashboards

It allows you to set the IRIS Practice Dashboards preferences, permissions and targets for the whole Practice and its users.

To access the settings you must have the staff member privilege Can edit Practice Dashboards settings. This can be set by going to System Maintenance | Staff | Staff Maintenance | View a staff member | Privileges tab.


User Permissions

Staff members must first be 'registered' to use the product. From this screen you can register/de-register users and set their privileges.

You can allow/deny a user access to specific dashboards by selecting/deselecting them from the list. At least one dashboard must be selected.

To access the Advanced User Permissions, you can click on the ... button for each user, as shown below:

The Advanced User Permissions allow you to restrict access for the user to certain people and categories.



The KPI options allow you to choose which of the KPIs appear on the KPIs dashboard. Clicking Edit allows you can specify the target for each KPI.

There are five user editable KPIs under the Key Underlying Drivers heading which you can manually enter the name for.

Finally, there is the mission statement section which allows you to display a statement, for example the aims and goals for the practice, which is always visible at the bottom of the KPIs dashboard.


Time & Fees

The Time & Fees Display Options allows the Practice to decide whether the default displayed period on each of the dashboards is the earliest or latest open time period. This is because some practices have as many as the previous 12 time periods open at one time rather than the recommended maximum of 3. If 12 periods were open then the dashboards would be defaulting to last year and would need to be changed every time.

We include all pending time postings in all the dashboards calculations by default. By clicking the Exclude Pending Time Postings, we can exclude the pending time on the Summary and Time Statement dashboards (we will be expanding this to all dashboards in the future). To activate the change of setting, you need to select/deselect the box and click Save, then close the dashboard and reopen it.

The Time Statement Settings area has a number of dashboard options available for the practice setup.

The Targets option will open the Staff Holiday/Budgets screen. This allows you to store the chargeable time targets for each staff member and their annual holiday allowance as shown below:


The Groupings option opens the Non-Chargeable Colours & Groupings screen that allows you to setup and change the colours and groupings used with the Time Statement Dashboard.

Within the Time Settings section, there is a slider which allows you to set the Working Hours in a Day. This is used within the Time Statement dashboard.

There is also a drop-down box which allows you to set the Holiday Code Group. This is used to compare the staff holiday entitlement with actual used holiday and display the remaining leave available on the Time Statement dashboard.


The Billing Deadline option and screen that open allow you to setup and change the period end dates for billing deadline and billing closed. These dates are used within the Financials dashboard.

The Calendar section allows you to specify how the time postings should be broken down on the Calendar dashboard.