View or update existing cases

  1. Select the Cases tab to view or update any cases that you have raised.


    If you are the IRIS Community Administrator for your organisation, you will also see any cases raised by your colleagues.

    You can re-order the list by selecting a column heading. The Status column indicates the progress:

    • In Progress - cases currently with the IRIS Service Team. If you would like us to cancel or close an In Progress case, please let us know by adding a case comment.

    • On Hold - further information is required, for example, the case requires your attention, a 3rd party contact is needed.

    • Closed - This status is applied to resolved cases after 7 days.

  2. To view case information to date, click the Case Number or Subject.

    Case Indo

    Resolved cases automatically close after seven days.

  3. You can now add a comment to a case.