Set up event types, classes and actions

IT Manager Practice Admin

Events have three levels of detail. Each level needs to be linked by category code. There must be a category called Event Type with a code of EVTypes in the Category of Categories list. If this category does not exist, please see the following instructions:

Create the event type category

  1. Select Admin > Categories from the menu.

  2. Select General Categories from the list, then select Category of Categories.

  3. Click Add, then enter a Code of EVTYPES and a Description of Event Types, then click Save.

If event actions are to used, you will need to create an additional event action category using the previous instructions, setting the Description as [Text], Actions or similar.

Create event types, classes or actions

  1. Select Admin > Categories from the menu.

  2. Select General Categories from the list, then select Event Types.

  3. Click Add, then enter a Code and Description for the event type, class or action. Click Save.

  1. Select Admin > Categories from the menu.

  2. Select Main Categories from the list, then select Job Note Types.