Maintain jurisdiction statuses

IT Manager Practice Admin

  1. Select Admin > Categories from the menu.

  2. Select Special Categories from the list.

  3. Expand Jurisdiction Statuses which consist of two elements Jurisdiction Statuses (which related to tax return jobs using jurisdiction) Jurisdiction Service Statuses.

Add/edit jurisdiction statuses

  1. Select Jurisdiction Statuses from the Jurisdiction Status section.

  2. Click View/Edit to edit an existing status or Add to add a new one.

  3. Enter a Status Description which will be visible when setting the jurisdiction status.

  4. Enter a code for the status in the Abbreviation field.

  5. Selected an Extension Level from the list.

  6. Select the groups that can view this status, then click Save.

Add/edit jurisdiction service statuses

This sub-category assigns the jurisdiction statuses against services, allowing for different services to have different sets of jurisdiction statuses.

  1. Select Jurisdiction Service Statuses from the Jurisdiction Status section.

  2. Click View/Edit to edit an existing status or Add to add a new one.

  3. Select the Service that the status is going to be valid for.

  4. Select the Status from the list.

  5. Set the Order that the statuses will be displayed in. A default of 0 will order the statuses in the order that they are created.

  6. Select a Colour. A list of 7 possible options linked to the various Jobs lists. Each option represents a different colour.

  7. Click Save.