Maintain audit data changes

IT Manager Practice Admin

The Audit Data Changes category is used to set up the auditing of tables and columns in the IRIS Practice Engine database.

  1. Select Admin > Categories from the menu.

  2. Select Special Categories from the list, then select Audit Data Changes.

  3. Click Add (or View/Edit to edit an existing category).

  4. Complete the required information, then click Save. See the following table for details.

    Audit Table/Column A drop-down of the available columns that are available for auditing.
    Audit Table System generated field based on the column selected in Audit Table/Column.
    Audit Table Primary Key System generated field based on the column selected in Audit Table/Column.
    Audit Column System generated field based on the column selected in Audit Table/Column.
    Filter Column Allows the auditing to be applied to only a specific column and value.
    Filter Value Allows the auditing to be applied to only a specific column and value.
    Filter Value Allows the auditing to be applied to only a specific column and value.
    Display The display name for the audited column.
    Active Indicates whether the auditing on the definition is active.