View out of office statuses

  1. Select Staff > Task Pad from the menu, then click Out of Office.
  2. The Staff In/Out Details page lists the status of each staff member for your office and department. You can change the Office or Department by selecting from the applicable list.
    Staff In/Out Details page with Edit icon highlighted.
  3. If you have permission, you can amend the out of office details by clicking Edit.
  4. Select Auto Refresh if you want the list to automatically update if any new out of office statuses are entered.
  5. You can view any leave for a staff member, two weeks at a time, by clicking their name. Use Next and Prev to view the next or previous two weeks.
    Staff In/Out page showing data two weeks at a time.
  6. You can print or email a list of staff out of office on a specific date by clicking Check Ahead. From the Check Ahead window, select the required date from the calendar, then click Print. A print preview is displayed. Click Print or Email as required.
    Print Preview of out of office list.