Set staff timesheet approver

IT Manager

When adding new staff members to the system, you can define who will approve their timesheet.

  1. Search for, then select the required staff member.
  2. Select Staff > Details from the menu.
  3. From the Staff page, select the Timesheets tab.
  4. Select the Approved By sub tab. Any existing approvers (such as department heads/managers who have approval permission for their department) are listed.
    Staff page with Timesheets tab showing who approves them.
  5. Click Add. From the Add Staff window, search for the required staff member, then click Select on the applicable row.
  6. The selected person is then listed on the Approved by tab. Repeat the process for anyone else who can approve timesheets for this staff member, then click Apply.
  7. If required, click the Delete icon next to any approvers you want to remove.