Create new jobs manually

Practice Admin Managers Partners Job Admin

In most cases, jobs are created using predefined templates. There may be times when you want to manually create a one-off or simple job for a client.

  1. Search for, then select the required client.
  2. Select Client > Task Pad from the menu.
  3. From the task pad, click Job Details. The Jobs for page is displayed listing all the jobs for the current client.
    Shows jobs for grid for the selected client with new job button highlighted.
  4. Click New Job. From the New Job for page, click Create the Job Manually.
    Shows new job for client page where a job can be created from a template.
  5. From the Manual Job Setup page, enter the Job Name as a minimum.
    Manual job setup page populated with default entries.

  6. The following additional information can be entered/selected now or via the Job Details page.

    • Service - select the service to which the job is being applied.

    • Job Code - enter a code for this job (based on your own requirements) or click Auto for the system to generate a code for you. If a code is not entered, it will be automatically generated when the job is created.

    • Recurring job - select this if the job will be repeated, then select the Frequency.

    • Includes Tax Return - select if this job will include a tax return, then select the Return Form whether the job will be managed as a standard or complex tax job.

    • Fiscal Year, Period Start and Period End - default to those set for the client, but can be amended as required.

    • Job Billing Value - enter the expected fee for the job.

    • Partner, Manager and In-Charge - default to those set for the service, but can be amended as required.

  7. Click Create this job. The job is then listed in the Jobs for grid. Click Open Job to add/edit job details, or click on the line to expand and edit the details within the grid.
    Jobs for grid showing newly created job.