Record client details

Practice Admin PA Admin Managers

This page contains the client’s engagement details, as described below:

Name The client’s full name.
Code Unique code given to each client (account number).
Short Name Element of the client’s name that will be used when performing a client search. For example, if the client is called ‘The Big Red Balloon Company’ it would be easier to search for ‘Balloon’ rather than the full name, so this word would become the short code. In the case of an individual this should be the surname.
Office The office the client is associated with.
Organisation The organisation the client belongs to.
Department The Department (if any) associated with the client.
Sub-Department The Sub-Department (if any) associated with the client. This is a linked list to the Department.
Partner/Manager/ In Charge The client’s allocated engagement Partner, Manager and In Charge.
Owner History The Owner History button will open a dialog displaying historical information relating to the client’s office, organisation, department, sub-department, partner, manager and In Charge.
View Client Notes The client notes window can be accessed by clicking onto the icon. The colour of the icon indicates whether there are any notes attached to the client – white indicates no notes, whereas yellow indicates that there are notes saved.
Entity The type of business conducted by the client. This is a category controlled list within Categories Etc.
Status The current status of the client’s account e.g. New, Active, Suspended Pending Lost, Lost, Prospective, Financial. These are hard coded and cannot be changed. A client cannot be set as Lost unless all WIP and DRS have been cleared.
Year End The day/month that the client’s year end falls upon.
Rating The rating of the client (showing the clients potential). This is a category controlled list that can be defined within Categories etc.
Service Level This is a category controlled list that can be defined to indicate the level of service the client should receive.
File/Folder The path of any client file or folder on the network. This is the path/ folder within the root folder. The root folder is defined within the Office Category settings. This should be set as a UNC path.
Domiciled This is ticked if the client is domiciled (settled/established) in the UK.
Industry This is a category controlled list that can be defined within Categories Etc to indicate the industry field that the client belongs to. This can then subsequently be used for reporting purposes.
SIC/ NAICS Code This field is linked to the choice made in the Industry field and is used to sub categorise industries. The list contained in this field can be configured in Categories etc.
Gov Code This is a field used by companies within the US to record the client’s governance code.

Click Apply to confirm any changes. The Undo button will undo any changes that have been made before being applied.