DRS adjustments

DRS adjustments can be used for a number of reasons to adjust the balance of the DRS total for a client including DRS write offs and discounts. DRS adjustments are processed from the DRS Transactions page of the client.

  1. Navigate to Client > Taskpad > DRS Transactions >DRS Data Entry >DRS Journal.

  2. Complete the information in the following fields:

    Date Enter the date with which the transaction will be posted.
    Type This drop-down box allows for the selection of the type of DRS adjustment that this will be. The options that are available are:
    • Bad Debt Write Off
    • Discount
    • Adjustment
    Amount Enter the amount of the adjustment in here. A positive amount will decrease the DRS figure.
    Ref Enter a reference for this adjustment.
    Reason Enter a reason for the adjustment.
    Current Balance This shows the current DRS total for the client.
    New Balance This shows what the new balance will be after the adjustment.
  3. Once all the information has been entered, select Save to confirm the DRS adjustment. The option Save & Allocate will save the entry and open the DRS Allocation view to allow the entry to be allocated against outstanding DRS transactions.