Connect & Invite Staff

With the Bureau connected, you are ready to set up and connect Staff users. Go to the Admin tab and select the Staff option.

Additional privileges have been added in Payroll to control which users are able to do this.

From the Staff members list select an existing staff member or click Add to set up a new staff user.

(This screen has been modified to include a Portal Status column.)

Prior to connecting any staff users their status will show as ‘Not connected’. When there is no internet connectivity or Payroll privileges prevent Portal access, the status will show as ‘Not Known’. The Portal Status in IRIS Payroll Professional will match the status on My ePay Window.

Open a Staff user record and Payroll Login tab. The following information is mandatory;

  • Title

  • Forename

  • Surname

  • Address

  • Post Code

  • Telephone

On this tab, the Forename and Surname details are used in the individual user verification step in the Portal registration process together with their Payroll password (their Portal ‘secret’ see below):

For Payroll Professional users to be able to set up their own account on the Portal, they require a Payroll Professional password. This password is required as the user’s ‘secret’ information that needs to be provided when verifying their identity during registration on the Portal. For existing Staff already set up in Payroll Professional with a password, the password field is hidden once set.

If the password needs to be reset this field can be enabled via the Reset Password icon.

If you use ‘Enhanced security’ in Payroll Professional, please be aware of any password complexity rules you may have set for your bureau that modify the payroll defaults.

If you use NT authentication a password field will need to be set for all Payroll Professional users via the Reset Password icon. This won’t affect their normal login to Payroll Professional via NT authentication but will allow an additional password ‘secret’ to be added that is required for use with the Portal.

These Users now have access to payroll and require privileges set.

If these users require access to My ePay Window they will need to have an account set up in the portal (see below)

Add & Invite Staff users from the Portal

Once the initial payroll department user (System account) has been set up, additional payroll department users can be added and invited in My ePay Window, outside of IRIS Payroll Professional.

Next step: employer-users