Step 3: Add Roles and users to Employer Groups

Set up new access Role(s) with appropriate privileges

A Staff User must be added to one or more Roles in each Client Group they need access to.

If you have not already done so - you need to Create a Payroll Department user.

When you add a new Payroll Department User (Staff) they will have no access until they are added to one or more Roles in the Client Groups.

Remember to remove Staff Users from the Default Role as this will override any other Role and Privileges to which they are added.

  1. Go to the My ePay Windowwebsite at

  2. Enter your registered username and password and select Login.

  3. Select Privileges from the menu.

  4. Select Groups – Roles - Users tab.

  5. For the required Client Group in the listing select Add Role.

    1. Select the roles you would like to add to the Client group.

    2. Select Add.

    3. Select Add User or Remove Role delete the Role.

    4. Select the users you would like to add to the Role.

    5. Select Add.

A user can be placed in multiple groups and multiple roles, unless it detects there would be a conflict.


Step 1: Groups | Step 2: Create Roles – PrivilegesStep 3: Add Roles and users to Employer Groups