Email notifications

Check your email spam inbox if you have email notifications turned on.

Good to know
If an employee visits the My ePay Window portal within 24 hours of a document being sent, you won't receive an email notification but will still have the notification showing in My ePay Window.

You have the option to receive email notifications giving a summary of:

  • New Payslips

  • New Pension Letters

  • New P60's and P45's

  • New Documents

Email notifications show a summary of items published within the last 24 hours.

Email notifications can be changed in the settings.

  1. Go to the My ePay Window website at

  2. Enter your registered username and password and select Login.

  3. Select your name from the top banner.

  4. Select My Settings.

    My Settings

  5. Select My Settings.

    My Settings 

  6. You can toggle notifications sent to your My ePay Window account in the last 24 hours .


  7. Select Save My settings.

Ensure you allow receipt of emails from