Activate an employee account

When your payroll department publishes a document (payslips, P60s, pension documentation, etc) to your email address you will receive a User Invitation email.

If you are using the same email address for multiple accounts (as you may have multiple employers using My ePay Window) keep in mind the link on the email will be unique to a single user.

The email invites you to register on the My ePay Windowportal, in order that you can view published documents.

  1. Select Click here to Register from the body of the email.

    An example of the invatation email

You have 20 days to complete the registration. If this time limit lapses, a new invitation will need to be sent. If required, you should request the a new invite be sent by your payroll department.

  1. My ePay Window will open.

  2. Enter your details to verify your identity. Your NI Number (or passport number) will be required as part of the identity process.

    Your NI Number (or passport number) will be required as part of the identity process.

  3. Select Verify your identityVerify your identity screen

    If the information is not verifying, please contact your employer.

  4. Give consent to the Data Protection, Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Select I agree.

    Alternatively, if you do not consent, select I do not agree. A warning will be displayed and the registration process will stop.

  5. Go to Set-up account.

  6. Enter the Unique Username and Password.

  7. Enter the Password again in the Confirm Password field.

    Only strong passwords are allowed. Minimum of 8 characters, 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 special, 1 numeric. Note: a special character is a punctuation type character, e.g. ! ? % = *.

  8. Select Register.

    1. A message will be displayed confirming you have registered successfully.

    2. An email will be sent with an account activation link. Select the link to activate your account.

    Emails will come from Check your spam folder or security settings if it does not arrive.
    The activation link will expire 24 hours after it is generated. If you have not activated the account within this timeframe you will need to request a new invite and restart the process. Contact your payroll department to resend the invite.

  9. Enter your login details to complete the account activation. My ePay Window will open on the Employee Dashboard.