Make an additional payment after the employee’s leave date

  1. Select the Employee menu.

  2. Choose P45 Routines, then Restore Leavers.

  3. Select the relevant employee from the list and choose OK.

  4. The system checks if the employee has already appeared on an FPS as a leaver. If they have, the following warning message appears:

    ‘Are you restoring this employee to continue paying them or are you making a payment after leaving?

  • Select ‘Yes’ to continue paying the employee or make an adjustment to their final pay.

  • Select ‘No’ to make an additional payment to the employee after they left’.

  1. Selecting Nodisplays the following message:

    ‘A Full Payment Submission including the leave date has already been sent to HMRC for this employee. Since you have indicated you are making a payment after leaving, the employee’s Tax Code will be set to 0T week1/month1.’

  1. Select OK and the system will allow you to restore the employee but change their Tax Code to 0T week 1/month 1.

  2. Pay the leaver as needed in the current pay period.

  3. Remember to recreate the leaver in the system by returning to Issue P45 and using the original leave date.

  4. The employee appears in the next FPS and their payment displays as a Payment After Leaving.