The Report Library

The IRIS Payroll Help Hub has a library of standard report formats. These include various designs of Payslips, Summaries and Credit Listings as well as many other types of report.

If you accidentally delete or overwrite one of them, you can reselect it from the library.

You can also use the library to choose different designs of the reports: for example, to select a different style of payslip or monthly summary.

If you cannot find a suitable report in the Library, try using the Quick Report Writer or the Advanced Report Writer.

Selecting Reports from the Library

If you are starting to use the program for the first time it is well worth having a look at the Report Library to see if it contains things more suitable than the reports that are installed as standard.

  1. Go to the Reports menu.

  2. Select Library Selection.

  3. Choose from the drop-down list box one of the reports for that category.

  4. Select OK to install the report.

You can have more than one style of each type of report. You choose the style you want at run-time. This means that not everyone in the company need have the same style of payslip, for example.

Click Cancel to close the Library window.