Add stages and tasks to a workflow process

  1. Go to Workflow.
  2. Select Process Catalogue.

  3. Select Edit from Actions for the workflow you want to add stages to.

    You are automatically taken to this page when you first save a new workflow process.

  1. Select Add Stage.

  2. In the Stage Name field, type a name for the stage.

  3. If the tasks within the stage need to be completed in a specific order, select Fixed Order.

  1. Select Save.

  2. To add a task to the stage, select Add Task.

  3. The default task type is a Tickbox task. If you want to change the task type, select Change Type and choose the task type you want. For some task types, you may need to add more information after you have saved the basic task details (name, description, due date etc); see the table for details.

    Task type

    Description/how to complete

    Tasklist icon

    Auto Decision

    Auto decisions are decisions that the system makes, based on known criteria (for example, is the employee on holiday).

    For auto decisions, the employee must be a member of a dynamic group, created using Query Builder.

    For example, for a leaver process you may want to know if the employee has had any sickness in the past four weeks. When you select Auto Decision as the task type, you also need to:

    • Add the decision question

    • Add the outcome details using the Group Selection menu

    • Select the action to be taken (Continue the existing process only; Start another process and continue with the current one; Start another process and stop the current one; Stop the current process)

    Diary Entry

    Diary entry tasks are not used with Workflow; you can add these tasks from the tasklist.


    Survey tasks are used with the Training module to send evaluation surveys to course delegates.

    User Decision

    Users decision are decisions that a user makes.

    When you select User Decision as the task type, you also need to:

    • Add the decision question, which needs to be descriptive, as this is shown when users look at the task

    • Add the outcome details

    • Select the action to be taken (Continue the existing process only; Start another process and continue with the current one; Start another process and stop the current one; Stop the current process)


    Form tasks can be completed using an online form (for example, training course evaluations, sickness self-certification forms).

    Create Survey

    Survey tasks are used with the Training module to send evaluation surveys to course delegates.


    When you select Email as the task type, you also need to:

    • Select the email template you want to use.

    • Select who you want to send the task to (Delegates of a training course; Employee; Group members of a specified role; Individual specified employee; Line Manager; Extended Email Group).

    Data Entry

    Data entry tasks produce a link to the system screen where the recipient must add, update or view data.


    Notification tasks send information to recipients, who must confirm that they have read the notification.

    Document Merge

    Document merge tasks generate a mail merge document in each recipient’s tasklist. You need to set up the document in Administration > Document Maintenance.


    Tickbox tasks produce a tickbox that recipients must select to confirm completion of the task.

  1. Complete the remaining fields. The fields displayed and the mandatory fields depend on the task type you have selected.

  2. Give the task a Name, the task owner will see this in their tasklist. Exceptions are Email tasks and Auto Decision tasks, which are owned by the system, so never appear in tasklists.

  3. Give the task a Description, the task owner will this see when they select the task. You can use the description to give the owner further instructions.

  4. In the Owner field, select the type of task owner from the drop-down list. For more information, refer to Who will be the owner of the tasks?

  5. Configure Due Date options to specify when the task will become due e.g. 1 day after process starts.

  6. If you want the task owner to receive an email as soon as the task is sent to their tasklist (rather than creating a separate email task in the workflow process), select Notify by email as soon as this task is active. If you select this option, ‘The task #TASKNAME# is now due for #EMPNAME#’ is automatically added to Email Subject.

  7. If you want the workflow process to generate email reminders when the task is overdue:

    1. Select Send an email reminder to.

    2. Select the required recipient from the menu.

    3. Configure the reminder period.

  1. Select Save to add the task to the workflow process.