Select course training providers

The Providers tab is used to record the providers that run the course and any costs specific to the provider. You must have previously added providers.

  1. Go to Training, then select Courses from the Maintenance section. A list of existing training courses is shown.

  2. Select the Providers tab.

  3. At the end of the list, select Add Provider or select an existing provider to view their details.

  4. From the Providers Picker, select each provider you want to add, then click OK.

  5. If you want to set one provider as the default for the course, select Set as Default in the Actions column. You can change this when you schedule the course

  6. If you want to add individual provider costs, select the Total Course Cost figure for the required provider.

  7. From the Training Course Provider Costs, select Add New Cost.

  8. The cost details are completed in the same way as Record course costs.

  9. Click Save.