Search section

The IRIS Cascade search box always displays at the top left-hand side of the screen and consists of the following sections:

Search box

You can use the search box to search for employees by any of the following:

  • Forename

  • Surname

  • Previous Name

  • Other Name

  • Employee ID

  • National Insurance Number

You must type at least three characters to return any results. To include leavers in the searches, go to Admin > System Properties > General and select (tick) Show leavers in auto suggest.

To view search results:

  1. Select a name to view that employee’s record.

  2. Press ENTER to view all search results, which creates a group and makes further options available at the bottom of the screen. In this view, you will see tick boxes at the left-hand side (Main screen only), which you can use to select employees.

Fuzzy searches

You can use ‘fuzzy’ searches to find similar matches. For example, a search for ‘Sma’ (with no exact matches in the system) returns the following suggested approximate matches. To get to the fuzzy search function quickly, type xyz in the search box, and then press ENTER.

Recent items

Below and to the right of the search box, you will see an arrow that you can use to access your recent items list, which shows any employees, screens, and system areas that you have recently accessed.

The colour of certain items is taken from the dark colour in your IRIS Cascade theme. A gender neutral icon displays for any employee who has not uploaded a picture.