Re-employ a leaver

  1. To re-employ a leaver, in HR, on the left-hand menu, select Action > Re-Employ a Leaver. The Re-employ a Leaver screen opens displaying the following fields:

    • Leaver record to use: Use this picker box to select the employee you wish to re-employ from the list of historical leavers.

    • Hierarchy: Select the part of the hierarchy the re-employed leaver sits in.

    • Start date: Enter the employee’s Start Date. This populates the Start Date & Cont Service Date fields on the MAIN screen.

  2. Copy the following details: Using this section, select any screens/data you wish to re-use.  Any list screens also give you the option to copy the latest record on the right-hand side.

When copying data from a leaver record, it’s advisable to only use basic employee data such as HOME ADDRESS, BANK & NEXT OF KIN etc.

Please be aware that this process won’t trigger a New Starter workflow using a data trigger of adding a record to ‘New Starter Form’.