Document Merges

Now you have created your templates, you can now perform the mail merges through the employee’s DOCUMENT screen.  The other functions are outlined below.

Group Actions

Documents can be merged against a group of employees via a Group Action which follows the same format as merging against an individual employee.

Select the group of employees you wish to perform the merge against, go to the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen and select Action > Group Actions > Document Merge.

You will see the same screen and options as per the single employee document merge. You will only see templates you have permission to see, and there will be no Recruitment or Training Templates available unless you are in those modules and have access to them. You have the option to save to the employee’s DOCUMENT screen. You cannot perform Recruitment or Training merges from this area.

Training Document Merges

Within the Training Module, you can perform Ad-Hoc merges as part of a scheduled course. Firstly, set up the merge template in Documents.

You will create the document as per the guidance above. The only difference is that you can only create Training Documents in the Training Module and said documents can only use a Training Query as the data source. Please ensure you allow access to the people who will be creating the documents. Then set up a schedule and navigate to the Mail Merge tab. You should only see the Training Document Merge Templates in this list.

These are Ad-Hoc documents that will not be saved to the employee’s HR record. To save the document, you will need to perform the merge within the Training module, save the document on your desktop, and then upload the document within the employee document screen manually.