What's new - Improved header

We recently made a change to the way our header bar appears on IRIS Cascade.

Module menu

You'll now see options to select your Module on the banner across the top of the page. These options used to appear in a drop down. This makes it easier to navigate to these areas in IRIS Cascade and brings the main site in line with MyCascade navigation.

User Menu

The user menu in the top right corner has more items and is consistent between Cascade and MyCascade, making it easier to find things.


Option Detail
Cascade/MyCascade Allows access to and from Cascade/MyCascade if enabled.

Settings and Accessibility

Shows you details about your settings and accessibility settings.

Change password

Allows you to change your password if enabled.
Logout Allows you to logout.
Help Takes you to the IRIS Cascade help centre.
See what's new Takes you to our latest What's New information.
Privacy notice Displays the Privacy notice page.


Recently viewed

We have added a new option called Recent along the top to replace the previous Recently viewed that used to appear under the search bar



These new changes put a focus on improving the accessibility of IRIS Cascade so it's a tool for everyone. In IRIS Cascade, we recognised the old sidebar module selector and recent items menu weren't accessible for many users. With the new header, we have greatly improved accessibility and created consistency and predictability between IRIS Cascade and MyCascade.

  • New skip link for keyboard and assistive technology users

  • Fully keyboard accessible

  • Improved screen reader support

  • Consistency of navigation

  • Colour contrasts meet WCAG AAA standards