Working with Users

The Users screen displays the settings against all users accounts as seen on the Login Details tab.

Option Detail
Authentication Provider Displays the provider for this users account.
Exchange Server Displays the exchange server, if different from system properties.
Username Displays the users account username.
Password Expiry Displays the date the password is set to expiry if using IRIS Cascade logins.
Security Level Displays the security level number set against this account.
Theme Displays the selected theme for the old UI.
Default Currency Displays the default currency for this users account.
Home Page Displays what is set to appear when the user first logs in.
Task List Popup Option Displays if the task list pop up appears when the user first logs in.
Can Edit Own Account Displays if the user is allowed to edit their own user account information.
AD Auto Login Displays if the account is set to automatically log into IRIS Cascade.
Theme (new UI User Theme) Displays the selected user theme for the new UI.