Housekeeping jobs

The following housekeeping jobs are available by selecting Housekeeping Jobs from the Diagnostics menu:


The Workflow job runs very regularly.

One of its main steps is to control the sending of emails. If the job is not running, or has not run, then no emails will be sent from IRIS Cascade.


The Training job controls course schedule statuses and delegate attendance (after courses have run).


The Housekeeping job runs during the night, as the work involved is more intense, can take longer to complete (depending on the size of the database) and can take up a lot of server resources.

The tasks that the Housekeeping job performs include:

  • Refreshes all employee relationships, including leavers

  • Updates any open-ended absences

  • Updates employee statuses

  • Refreshes the hierarchy

  • Sends Workflow emails. You can change the time when this job runs in System Properties > Email

Time & Attendance Frequent

The Time & Attendance Frequent job is only applicable if your organisation uses the T&A module.

It performs the following tasks:

  • Updates T&A events from a third-party T&A system regularly

  • Applies lunch rounding

  • Maintains timesheet attendance (if enabled)

Time & Attendance Overnight

The Time & Attendance Overnight job is only applicable if your organisation uses the T&A module. It runs overnight and updates several T&A options.

Queue Purging

The Queue Purging job is only applicable if your organisation uses the Outlook Integration module.

It performs the following tasks:

  • Outlook Integration Queue Purge removes any items that have been in the queue for longer than the setting for the system property Outlook Integration - Number of Days to Keep Queue Items

  • Clean up Error Log and removes any old error logs

Time & Attendance After Lunch

The Time & Attendance After Lunch job is only applicable if your organisation uses the T&A module. It runs overnight and updates the Lunch Break Rounding job.

SQL Job Log Maintenance

The SQL Job Log Maintenance job is used to trim SQL logs behind the scenes and to help keep the database to a manageable size.