Add and configure fields

On the Wizard Designer screen, you can select screens from the list in the left-hand pane, along with all fields that are positioned above the red FX fields on each screen.

Any fields displayed in bold type are System Required fields. IRIS Cascade uses these fields to create records. You can another field from that screen and IRIS Cascade adds system required fields.

If you remove any system required fields, IRIS Cascade also removes all fields from that screen.

Set field properties

  1. To set properties for all fields in the wizard, select the Settings next to the field.


    A new screen appears.

  2. Enter the details for in the settings.

    These vary depending on which field you select.

  3. Use this table to help you complete the Properties section of the screen.



    Display Label

    The name of the field that end users will see. You can change field names in the wizard, but this does not change the original field name on the screen.


    The screen the field appears on.


    The original name of the field, as set in the database


    When ticked, allows the field to be hidden in the wizard. If you want to hide fields, they must have a default value. If you do not set a default value, you will see a warning message .


    A red asterisk is displayed on the right-hand side beside fields on a screen marked as mandatory using Screen Designer (see second screenshot below). Users must then add data before they can save the wizard


Validation rules

Use this table to help you complete the Validation Rules section of the Properties screen.



Numeric Check

The data entered must be whole numbers only

Max Length

The total number of characters allowed. The default values are taken from the field properties and cannot be increased past this

Min Length

The minimum number of characters allowed

Decimal Check

The number entered can have a decimal point


An additional mandatory option. The field may not be mandatory on the screen but can be made mandatory here. If the field is mandatory on the screen, you cannot change this

NI Format

When ticked, only allows the standard UK NI format to be used

Default Value

When you add data to a field in Design Mode, this data then becomes the default value when the new starter wizard is used

When users access the New Starter Wizard, these default values are added automatically. You can still change default values when adding new starters, as they are not hidden.

Best Practice

Let's look at the mandatory currency field, Basic Salary, which is displayed as a blank field when added to a wizard. As the field is mandatory, you can't save the wizard if you leave this field blank. You can, however, add zero to this field as a default value. This means you can leave this value in the field and save the wizard.

Hidden and default values

If you use the Hidden and Default Value properties together, IRIS Cascade automatically adds data without any user action. For example, if you have the IRIS Cascade Payroll module, one of the first things you should do when adding new starters is mark them to be included in payroll. Add the Include in Payroll field to the wizard, give it a default value, and then hide it from users.

You can use this functionality to set other system or employee-specific settings.

Job & Salary Reason field

The Job & Salary Reason field is now visible. You can use this field to set the reason for new starters’ job records. You need to unmark it as hidden and then move it into place, if needed.