Viewing your hierarchy details and locations

The hierarchy in IRIS Cascade is a graphical representation of your organisation’s structure. A well-designed hierarchy does not refer to reporting lines of people or posts, but instead presents the structure of your organisation as teams, departments, business units or similar logical groupings.

You need to use the Job & Salary screen to assign all employees to a single location within this structure. The location is also visible in employees’ key details.

In post-based organisations, the hierarchy or organisation structure is designed around job titles, and as such, may differ from the examples shown in these topics.

The hierarchy is used in several places in IRIS Cascade, as listed below.

  • Employee details: The employee’s location is included in the summary in the left-hand pane
  • Planner: When you select My Team in the Viewing field on the Planner screen, you will see everyone in the same final hierarchy node.
  • Job & Salary screen: employees’ hierarchy location is set on their current Job & Salary screen and displayed on the Main screen.
  • Organisation Explorer: to view the whole hierarchy, go to Reports and Analysis > Organisation Explorer, and click By Hierarchy.

Print your Hierarchy

To print your hierarchy:

  • Go to Report & AnalysisOrganisation Explorer, click Print Preview at the bottom of the screen
  • or, go to Admin > Hierarchy  and click the Print Friendly Page button, then use your browser’s printing functions.shows hierarchy designer screen

Print quality can vary between browsers.