Manage currencies

You must add all the currencies you use to the Currency Maintenance area before you can use them elsewhere in IRIS Cascade.

To access the currency area, go to Admin > Currency.

shows currency maintenance screen

All currencies marked In Use on this page are available for selection in Currency lists.

  1. Select Add Currency or Update to add or edit a currency.

  2. Complete/edit the details as follows:


    How to complete

    Currency Name*

    Type the currency name (50 characters maximum, including spaces)


    Type the symbol that will be shown in the field beside the currency (for example, $). Ideally this should be a single character (three characters maximum)

    In Use

    Tick the box to make the currency available in the drop-down menu in any currency field


    Not currently used

    Decimal Separator*

    Type the character to be displayed

    Thousand Separator*

    Type the character to be displayed

    Euro Conversion Rate

    Not currently used

    Display Order

    Set the position of the currency in the display order for drop-down menus.

    This works in the same way as for System Lists: all items set at zero (0) are listed alphabetically and then ordered numerically

  3. Select Save. You can set the default currency for specific users.