Edit company address information

IRIS Cascade uses your company details held in the system to populate the cover sheet of enhanced office reports.

IRIS Cascade adds your company name as it appears on your IRIS Cascade licence to the system when it is installed. You need to add the remaining details (office address, telephone number etc) and update them whenever there are changes.

You can change your company address, phone number, fax number, email address and website in the system yourself. However, if your company name changes, you need to contact the IRIS Cascade service desk, as this can only be changed by issuing a new IRIS Cascade licence. There is no charge for issuing a new licence for a change of company name only.

IRIS Cascade as a company does not use the company details held in your system for any purpose; they are only available to your database. If your actual company name or contact details change, please let IRIS Cascade know.

  1. Go to Admin.

    You can access Admin from the top hand menu.

  2. Select Company Details.
  1. Go to Address Information.
  2. Select Edit.
  1. Amend the details as required.
  2. Select Save.