Hotfix for IRIS Cascade - 21 September, 2022

We are applying a hotfix to IRIS Cascade.

The RTI Submission service initially throws an error when making an FPS Submission; however, the submission does eventually send but there is a big delay after the submission has errored before this is processed successfully.

What does this mean

If you have sent an FPS following the release on the 7th September, you may have experienced a delay in your FPS being sent to the HMRC.

What we are doing

We are applying the hotfix September 21, 2022 at 7pm to 10pm. Your system will be unavailable during this time.

The hotfix resolves the delay on sending the FPS.

What you need to do

After the hotfix is installed, if you have submitted a HMRC submission and this was pending go to Payroll > Real Time Information > Full Payment Submission and check that the Current Status has a Successful Response.