Error messages

If you receive error messages while attempting to consume IRIS HR API, the error will contain a code that corresponds to one of the issues described below.

If the code is not listed below, or the problem cannot be resolved, copy the trace ID from the error payload and share it with your IRIS contact or email


Code: 500-000-0001

Description: The server returned a status 502 error, message: Received non success response code, log_trace: rrt-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-x

400 errors

401 errors

403 errors

404 errors

429 errors

400 authorisation errors

401 authorisation errors

500 authorisation errors

400 errors





OData Pagination Exception

  • More than one top query was found.

  • More than one page size preference was found.

  • Top value '{requestedTopSize}' did not fall within acceptable range [1 - {internalMaxTop}].

  • Page size preference '{preferredPageSize}' did not fall within acceptable range [1 - {internalPageSize}].


Condition: Passing invalid parameters for the pagination.


OData Exception

  • The query parameter 'Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter '$sort')' is not supported.

  • The query specified in the URI is not valid. A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Edm.String' and 'Edm.Int32' for operator kind 'Equal'.

Condition: Invalid OData query.


Validation Exception

The request included incorrect data for [<list of fields>]. Please refer to the documentation to review the field requirements.

One or more fields can be included, possible options:

  • FirstName

  • LastName

  • Guid

  • Jobs[0].HierarchyNodeId

  • Jobs[0].LineManagerId

  • Jobs[1].StartDate

  • ContinuousServiceDate

  • $.Level

  • Etc.



  • Updating employee with invalid data.

  • Updating employee with invalid object (not valid JSON).

  • Trying to get an entity with not a valid GUID.

401 errors






The access token has expired. Access tokens have a 30-minute lifespan. You will need to periodically request new tokens.



You have requested a token using a grant type that is not supported by the API resource you are trying to call. Some resources require logged-in users, which means the client credentials grant type is not suitable.



You are attempting to consume an API resource that you do not have permission to access.

403 errors






You are attempting to consume an API resource that requires scopes that are not included in the access token.

404 errors





Not Found Exception

The specified resource was not found.


Condition: Trying to access employee, hierarchy, jobs, etc. that doesn't exist.

429 errors






Quota exceeded. IRIS maintains a daily quota on applications in line with our fair use policy.



Rate limit exceeded. IRIS maintains a throttle on all API traffic in line with our fair use policy.

400 authorisation errors




400-001-0001 Invalid Request The request could not be processed. It may contain invalid syntax, or necessary parameters are missing or are malformed.
400-001-0002 Missing parameters The Authorize endpoint requires client_id, redirect_uri, scope and response_type parameters. Any one of these are missing or are malformed .
400-001-0003 Unsupported grant_type Valid grant_types include client_credentials, refresh & authorization_code.
400-001-0004 PKCE Missing In the absence of an Authorization header, you must provide a PKCE code_challenge in the authorize request and a corresponding code_verifier in the token request. Either one or both of these values in missing.
400-001-0005 Invalid Response Type The Authorization API only supports the “code” response type, used as part of the Authorization Code Grant flow.
400-001-0007 Invalid refresh token The refresh token provided is invalid or is malformed.

401 authorisation errors




401-001-0001 The Client credentials are invalid Unless PKCE is being used, the token request must include an Authorization header with a valid Basic credentials string .
401-001-0002 The Authorization Code is Missing or Invalid The token request must include a valid code retrieved from the authorize endpoint.
401-001-0003 The Authorization Code has expired Authorization codes are very short-lived. After performing an Authorize request, you must exchange it for a token immediately.
401-001-0004 The Authorization Code is not valid for the Client The client ID and redirect_uri used in the authorize request and the token request must match exactly.
401-001-0005 Refresh token expired Refresh tokens are very long-lived but do still have an expiry. A new set of access and refresh tokens need to be requested from the Authorization API.
401-001-0006 Client not approved IRIS administrators have not yet approved the client application. Until it has been approved, it cannot be used to make API calls.
401-001-0007 Client not approved The client application is associated with a developer account which has been disabled. Please contact IRIS platform support for further information.
401-001-0008 PKCE challenge has failed The code_verifier provided in the token request did not produce a code that matched the code_challenge provided in the authorize request.
401-001-0009 Client ID does not match The client ID and redirect_uri used in the authorize request and the token request must match exactly.

500 authorisation errors




500-001-0001 Authorization Code not Found  
500-001-0002 Client ID Missing  
500-001-0003 Refresh token is missing  
500-001-0004 Invalid parameters  
500-001-0005 Invalid token type  
500-001-0006 Invalid token type  
500-001-0007 Communication error with the Identity Provider  
500-001-0008 Communication error with the Identity Provider  
500-001-0009 Communication error with the Identity Provider  
500-001-0010 Communication error with the Identity Provider  
500-001-0011 Identity Provider Credentials could not be Retrieved  
500-001-0012 Problem retrieving session cookie  
500-001-0013 Problem with cache retrieval  
500-001-00014 Identity Provider did not provide tokens  
500-001-00015 Identity Provider did not provide tokens  
500-001-00016 Unsupported Grant Type  
500-001-00017 The client ID cannot be resolved  
500-001-00018 The client secret cannot be determined  
500-001-00019 Session ID could not be resolved  
500-001-00020 State does not match