Create a support case

You need an IRIS Service Community account to be able to raise a support case. If you're not sure if you have one, refer to this topic.

  1. Log into the IRIS Service Community (opens in a new tab) using your IRIS Service Community username and password (this is not the same as your IRIS elements credentials).
  2. Select Assets (Products).

  3. Select the asset you want to raise a case about from the list, for example, IRIS Elements Practice Management.
  4. Under Create Case, select Service Request from the Case Type list.
  5. Select and option from the Service Request Category list, such as General Enquiry.

  6. Select Support from the Category list.
  7. Enter the Case Subject and Case Description sections then select Submit.
  8. To add relevant content, such as a screenshot, select Upload Files. Select Not Required to skip.

Your case is then visible in the cases list and we'll respond as soon as possible.