Troubleshooting Messages

Use this article to help resolve common problems with messaging in IRIS ParentMail.

Primary Contacts Error Message When Sending

If an error message is displayed when sending an email or text, Send the email to primary contactshas been selected but none of the recipients are selected as a primary contact.

If your organisation has IRIS ParentMail linked to a Management Information System (MIS), check the user is selected as a priority 1 contact in the MIS. Then do the following:

  1. Go to Users > List.
  2. Select the relevant student.
  3. Select the check box for the relevant contact.

    IRIS ParentMail - Make a Primary Contact

Recipients Not Receiving Messages

If a recipient was sent a message from IRIS ParentMail but it was not received, consider the following:

  • Recipient not selected when the email or text message was sent
  • Email address is incorrect
  • Mobile number is incorrect
  • IRIS ParentMail email address was not recognised as an approved sender in the recipients' inbox — Ask the recipient to check their junk or spam folder
  • A person is not linked to the student
  • Recipient is not a primary contact for the student

If you are unable to resolve the issue, contact our Support Team using Live Chat and provide the user email address.

Was the Recipient Selected?

How to check if an email or text message was sent to a recipient:

  1. Go to Users > List.
  2. Select the relevant user.
  3. Select Show for Email History or SMS History.

    Any messages sent to the user are displayed with the sent date and time.

Was the Email Address Correct?

How to correct an email address.

  1. Go to Users > List.
  2. Select the relevant user.
  3. The email address is at the top of the user details. If the email address is incorrect, select Actions > Edit and adjust as required.

Was the Mobile Number Correct?

How to correct a mobile number.

  1. Go to Users > List.
  2. Select the relevant user.
  3. The mobile number is at the top of the user details. If incorrect, select Actions > Edit and adjust as required.

    Ensure the contact's mobile number is entered in Mobile Number and not Telephone Number.

Check Junk / Spam folder

Have the user check their spam or junk folder in their email inbox and that has been added as a safe sender.

Checking the User Status

Users can have a status of Connected or Not Connected:

  • If the user status is Not Connected and their contact details are not displayed, the user must re-register their account:
    1. Go to Action > Edit and add the user email address
    2. Go to Action > Send Email Registration or Sent SMS Registration to send the registration link.
  • If the user status is Connected and their email address or mobile number is correct, contact our Support Team on Live Chat who can investigate and confirm the credentials used to register. If the person registered with incorrect details and do not know their password, delete the account and add them again— relationships must be re-added to the new account. The user automatically receives a new registration email or text message and can set up their account with the correct details.

Check the Personal Relationships

Personal relationships are only applicable to accounts that require a person to be linked to their student.

  1. G to Users > List.
  2. Select the relevant user.

    The connected student is displayed in the Personal Relationships section.

  3. Select the name of the linked user to view their details. Ensure the User Type is Student.
  4. If the person is not correctly linked to a student, add the relationship.

Receiving Emails for Only One Student

A recipient receiving emails for only one of their students to which they have a personal relationship could be because:

  • The default setting, Send Per Family, is selected. This sends one copy of the message to the recipient.

    To send a message for each student to which the recipient has a personal relationship, select Send Per Student when you create and send an email.

  • The personal relationship to the student has not been added to the recipients IRIS ParentMail account.

Receiving Text Messages for Only One Student

A recipient receiving texts for only one of their students to which they have a personal relationship could be because:

  • The default setting, Send Per Family, is selected. This sends one copy of the message to the recipient.

    To send a message for each student to which the recipient has a personal relationship, select Send Per Student when you create and send a text.

  • The personal relationship to the student has not been added to the recipients IRIS ParentMail account.