Groups Overview

IRIS ParentMail users can be added to groups that can be used to send communications and set up events for multiple users easily.

When you create a group in IRIS ParentMail, you are required to select a Group Type, which are categories of groups. For example, year or registrations groups, staff, or for a particular club. For more information, go to Create and Maintain Group Types.

The following group types are provided by default and must be used in the circumstances described in each section:

Class Groups

This group type should only be used if students are split into teaching groups, for example, Form, Maths, English, etc. Students can be added to multiple class groups.

We recommend that you do not use the Class group type if you use Parents' Evening Manager, as class group data needs to be imported therefore overwrites any related existing data.

Registration Groups

Registration groups are automatically created when data is first imported into IRIS ParentMail. Students must be assigned to only one Registration group.

Year Groups

Year groups are automatically created when data is first imported into IRIS ParentMail. Students must be assigned to only one Year group.


The Staff group type is used when creating a group relevant to your staff members, for example teaching staff or external staff. Users need to be manually added to staff groups.

You are unable to add Teachers to Registration or Year groups. To include teachers in a group with students you need to create a new group type. For more information, go to Create and Maintain Group Types.