Take Register to Change Attendance or Confirmed Choices

Registers can only be taken by one staff member at a time, for register members that do not have selections already in their basket.

If taking a register to change attendance, or club bookings and meal orders results in a negative balance, for registers with a debt threshold set, the amount is deducted when the balance is next topped up. If no debt threshold has been set, PAY DEBT is displayed for parents, carers, or staff members against the register in their IRIS ParentMail account.

  1. For the required register, select Actions, then View/Take register.
  2. The current week is displayed. To change attendance for a specific date or week, enter the date.

    Registers can only be changed for up to one week at a time.

  3. To change attendance for the date, clear Attending?, then clear the selected club session or meal option.

    If you are only changing the club session or meal option, do not clear selection of Attending? for the date.

  4. Select Attending? for the required date, then the club session or meal option.
  5. When you have changed all required selections, select Done.
  6. To save, select Take Register.

If another staff member is currently taking the same register, or choices are in the basket for the account, any changes for attendance are not saved and errors are displayed. You must resolve the errors before continuing.