Overview Account Index Types

For ledger accounts, the indices are used to group together related accounts for reporting purposes. Some reports specifically look for this detail and therefore, if this information is not completed, the applicable report may ignore the account completely and consequently display incorrect results. Completion of some indices is therefore mandatory.

Account indices are defined on the Indices tab of the applicable Account Maintenance dialog.


This index is linked to the search functionality within the system and is automatically populated with index values when the account is created. It enables searching by account title.

Clicking on this index can take time for the results to load so only select this index if you intend to add a specific search index value (rarely needed).


This index is used to group accounts that relate to a specific activity, e.g. all the income/expenditure relating to your nursery.

Select one or more activities. If you are unsure, select XNODET.

A minimum of one option must be selected for the account to appear on the management account report.


This index is used to group accounts that relate to a specific directorate, e.g. all the suppliers used for curriculum purposes.

Select one or more applicable check boxes.


This index is used to group accounts by their source of funding – particularly useful for cost centre and capital ledger accounts.

At least one index must be selected here to ensure that the account appears on the management account report. If you are not sure, select XNODET.